And though I had slain a thousand foes less one,
The thousandth knife found my liver;
The thousandth enemy said to me,
'Now you shall die,
Now none shall know.'
And the fool, looking down, believed this,
Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars,
Each one remembering.
--John M. Ford, The Final Reflection

The Asylum Director

My photo
"The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn't require any." - Russel Baker

Friday, February 20, 2009


Most people have this stark, unwelcome feeling in the pit of their guts when they realize people don't like them. I don't, but that's mainly because I assume people don't like me from the get-go. This is exactly how I handle things everywhere I go, and frankly, it works wonderfully for me. The people I work with can dislike me and talk about me behind my back all they want; I simply don't care. Don't have the time or inclination to.

So, really, me finding out people don't like me doesn't surprise me one bit. I take as a...reaffirmation of my belief that, in the end, nobody really likes the people around them, and we're all ultimately alone. Cynical, I know, but it works.

Now, enjoy the lovely artwork of Yoritomo Yashinko, from the Legend of the Five Rings CCG.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LIKE YOU HARVS. Wag pansinin ang mga %^&%*)!
hehe :)