And though I had slain a thousand foes less one,
The thousandth knife found my liver;
The thousandth enemy said to me,
'Now you shall die,
Now none shall know.'
And the fool, looking down, believed this,
Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars,
Each one remembering.
--John M. Ford, The Final Reflection

The Asylum Director

My photo
"The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn't require any." - Russel Baker

Monday, April 20, 2009

A List

I believe I've pointed out before how ridiculous it was to make an "All-time" list. Largely because things change, tastes change, and something is only the best until the next "best" comes along. Still, that doesn't mean one can't make a lost that applies to the current time. With that in mind, I began to ponder. Seeing as how I don't think I've ever written about my Top Ten Anime before, I might as well do so now. If only to make comparisons to the contents of the list the next time I write one.

10. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
A depressed teacher with a tendency to cry out "I'M IN DESPAIR" for ridiculous reasons and a class of very, very strange students. Funny, particularly if you get all the references. Though the newest material feels a touch stale.

9. Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
This is one of those shows that words will fail to adequately explain due to the sheer mind-boggling nature of the thing. However, I will say this: it is a show that needs to be watched from start to finish to fully understand the story and its meaning.

8. School Days
I have said a lot about School Days. It is worth watching if you just sit back and take it as it is, rather than trying to find some sort of deeper meaning to it all.

7. Candy Boy
Cute. Just too damn cute.

6. Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!
Two words: Forward GO!

5. Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu
Girl who may be a god? Check. Crazy girl? Check. Odd but surprisingly good combination of philosophy, theoretical temporal physics, comedy, and pure anime insanity? Check.

4. Hidamari Sketch
What can I say about this series that I haven't said before? The show is just wonderfully relaxing, and has a nice does of heart-warming moments as well.

3. Toradora!
The single, best example of romantic comedy in anime that I can think of, with one of the strongest cast of characters I've seen in the genre, if not in the whole industry. Definitely worth the time it takes to watch, even if you're only in it for Ami-chan and Minorin.

2. Cardcaptor Sakura
The single, finest example of the Magical Girl genre out there, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Sakura is the original good girl of anime, and is among the most enduringly lovable characters ever created. Warning: avoid the dub at all costs.

1. Maria-sama Ga Miteru
Drama. A wonderful cast. A near-perfect, idyllic setting. Characters that you can feel for, relate to, and sympathize with. Yes, I am well aware this is a girl's show, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it.

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