And though I had slain a thousand foes less one,
The thousandth knife found my liver;
The thousandth enemy said to me,
'Now you shall die,
Now none shall know.'
And the fool, looking down, believed this,
Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars,
Each one remembering.
--John M. Ford, The Final Reflection

The Asylum Director

My photo
"The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn't require any." - Russel Baker

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Erwin Tulfo: Sensationalist Moron

It is no secret that the "journalist" Erwin Tulfo is a sensationalist moron. This is not a matter of debate, not with numerous libel convictions under his belt. Quite frankly, it would be amazing enough that he's still allowed to go about writing "news," but then I realize I'm in the Philippines and things here suck. Case in point: Erwin Tulfo, a convicted libel journalist that could make the paparazzi seem tame by comparison, is still allowed a column in a newspaper. Granted, it happens to be a tabloid, but still.

I've read the "account" he wrote, mind you. Quite funny, if you ask me. Still, it does come down to his usual sensationalist drivel. He mentions boxes of evidence. Of course the cops would have "evidence" by the box, they took our desktop computers, laptop computers, our servers, and even an LCD TV, you moron. How else would the cops, who gleefully used and took various personal items that happened to be in our workplace, haul them out of our office unjustly? In shopping bags? Let's not forget them taking cables, pliers, various tools for technical support, and even security cameras.

Setting up a computer shop, guys? Or do you just need the cash to support for multiple mistresses that you know you can't afford on your meager salaries? Don't be surprised if the NBI website suddenly gets an upgrade sometime in the near future. Those computers had Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and whatever else they might need to give the site a face-lift, from what I'm told.

(On a somewhat related note: No, I don't really expect the company to get our stuff back. If the company does, it'll likely be damaged beyond repair. It's how the crooks known as the National Bureau of Investigation works, don't you know?)

His article also has an intriguing detail that I can't help but question. You see, the raid conducted by the NBI was done with the assumption that we were using illegal software. Were we? Wouldn't know, seeing as how all we ever seem to use is Ubuntu (a free distribution of Linux) and various free open-source programs. You know, the kind you can buy in various locations? The cheap computer programs that most everyone installs on their home computers. That's the reason the NBI gave, anyway. Yet, despite this fact, he makes references to completely different accusations. Stuff about selling prescription drugs, spamming, credit card fraud, and somesuch garbage. Most intriguing, really. See, none of those things were mentioned as the reason for the raid when the NBI came barging in. So where'd he get the info, hmm?

Now, Ascend Asia does operate an online pharmaceutical website. Incidentally, said website is down since the NBI took our servers. So naturally, we would be selling prescription medications to US citizens. Credit card fraud? Last I heard, we regularly fired anyone caught doing that. It's kind of standard call center procedure, folks. Spamming? Oh, that's a tough one. I'm not sure we stock any delicious canned meat products here. Oh, wait, the moron's talking about e-mail spam, which is an entirely subjective thing. One man's advertising is another man's spam, after all. But as far as I know, we don't spam. And I'd know, considering I work in the department that would theoretically be best-equipped to spam.

He also has the gall - the gall! - to question why the higher-ups of the company were not detained. Okay, so how do you detain the higher-ups of a company when they're overseas, in the US? How about the local ones, he points out. There's evidence, he says. Again, what evidence? They're computers, you sensationalist dipshit. Any evidence of wrongdoing (assuming there is any) would be found on them, and they took close to 100 computers. You think you'll get that kind of information out of that many PCs in one night?

On a related note, they did put people to keep an eye out on one of the local bosses. And no, not even the NBI people keeping an eye on him knew why they had to. He wasn't even "armed and dangerous," like they were told.

But, despite all the logic pointing to Erwin Tulfo being the sensationalist tabloid "journalist" that he is, people will not believe the truth. This is the Philippines, after all. People would prefer to dismiss logic and common sense than deny the possibility that sensationalist, libelous crap is actually false. Go figure.

Of course, he might be in the pocket of one Karl Chua. Who knows?


me said...

shit, a raid in your office?

i have been living under the rocks lately, so forgive me if all this is this-just-in news to me.

so, how are things now?

Cough Syrup Junkie said...

yikes! i heard this story from rcon but i didnt know erwin tulfo "exposed" it to the public.