And though I had slain a thousand foes less one,
The thousandth knife found my liver;
The thousandth enemy said to me,
'Now you shall die,
Now none shall know.'
And the fool, looking down, believed this,
Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars,
Each one remembering.
--John M. Ford, The Final Reflection

The Asylum Director

My photo
"The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn't require any." - Russel Baker

Monday, September 01, 2008

Castle of Cards

This is the Doomgape, my current favorite card in Magic: the Gathering.

Also the symbol of the insanity that's going on with my card collection. You see, I have more cards than I really know what to do with. A large number of them are garbage, like the card collections of pretty much any casual Magic player. Granted, my collection is actually a really small one, but I still don't have a whole lot of room for it. I can only imagine it'd be much, much worse if I could find the cards I managed to pile up from the last time I was really active in Magic, back in high school. Man, that was about three times the size of what I have now.

In an effort to alleviate the problem of having too many unused cards, with a number among them being basic lands, I decided to see if I could build a deck or two out of them. Just for kicks, you know? In the end, aside from my black/green hybrid deck (built out of the cards included in the Eventide Death March precon) and my pure green Elf token deck, I ended up with two more. There's also a third that might come along, which is both a new version of my old black deck and a modified version of the Eventide Life Drain precon.

After much digging, I managed to come up with at least one not-completely crappy deck. A white weenie that has a touch of red in it, of all things. Mostly Kamigawa block, and making heavy use of the Bushido ability. In reality, it isn't a new deck as it is a revival of an older deck, minus the limited burn capability. In exchange, I believe I gave it the ability to boost the power of the creatures in it more. Not entirely sure. I could have just simply added more samurai. I do know that Enduring Renewal and Debtor's Knell were not in the original version - though the two make for a potent combo if you can get them both in play.

Planning on making a black/red deck a little later, to find a home for my copies Demigod of Revenge, Ashenmoor Gouger, and Ashenmoor Liege - along with any other useful black/red hybrid cards that didn't end up in my brother's black/red elemental wither deck. Probably give it plenty of cheap weenies, like goblins and such. I suppose it can serve as a home to my now-displaced Black Knight and Knight of Stromgald cards.

Of course, there's the black/white deck I'm planning. That one's barely complete, and I know I need a few more cards to finish it. However, I also know there are some cards I want to put in there, but am not sure if I can figure out what needs to be taken out to make them all fit. There is also a card that fits the concept of the black/white I'm building very well, but the casting cost is too high for it and it also forces me to remove four other cards that might be useful. That's four cards that'll end up unused and stuck in a box until I decide to tweak one deck or the other again.

All because I got back into the game and now can't dig myself out. Still, it is quite fun, and it gives me something to ponder aside from work and other things that I'd rather not dwell on.

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