And though I had slain a thousand foes less one,
The thousandth knife found my liver;
The thousandth enemy said to me,
'Now you shall die,
Now none shall know.'
And the fool, looking down, believed this,
Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars,
Each one remembering.
--John M. Ford, The Final Reflection

The Asylum Director

My photo
"The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn't require any." - Russel Baker

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

School Days, episode 12 - delayed!

This is sad news for me. It really is.

I was hoping to see how the trainwreck ends. However, the fact that they delayed the ending because of that report implies to me that the ending is not a pleasant one for one of the characters. There have been subtle hints going around that this will not end well, particularly with all the focus on knives, but I think this action confirms it. The ending has to have at least one murder in it for them to delay this because of a murder.

Incidentally, this particular murder seems like an echo of the Nevada-tan incident a while back. Hmm...School Days-tan sounds a little odd, though. I think 'Axe Murder-tan' would work much better.

I'm hoping that they air the episode, rather than go for a straight-to-DVD release. I've invested way too much time and interest in this show not to see it as soon as possible. know, this post was supposed to be an excerpt from a side project I was working on entitled Lie To Me, but that can wait.

Anyway, I just love this video to bits!

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